Wednesday 11 July 2012

Gastronomy and a grande size bull

Lets see, how does one Aussie Señorita choose a blog report topic with all that's been observed, absorbed and yes, digested, over the last few days.

You could say I've been mixing it up to promote a well balanced holiday life. Best described by the Sangria ingrediant analogy as follows i.e oranges and apples representing my health, wine = my maturity, ice to keep things cool (in 42 heat + the Espanol Señors) and lemonade keeping things sweet as bro.

There was whale and dolphin watching in the totally chillaxed coastal town of Tarifa where the Mediterranean and Atlantic meet (a bit like Byron Bay with less tatts). Oh and a view of Morocco from the beach!

Then there was Ronda, 'the little Andalusian Gem where Christians and Jews alike (and Australians in general) feel under its spell'.

Here I attended a mass at a convent with local nuns (dear God please forgive me for making the fried cheese tapas option a regular addition to each and every meal).

I also enjoying the flamenco dancing and the local gastronomy (a word I dont use nearly enough).

Other highlights include spotting a kid in the street who's has taken the term 'toy car' to a whole new level (see image below) and did I mention I found 'the Big Bull'! he tried hiding behind a tree but I snapped him just in time!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, pure fun - that is what you are!

    See you in 2 days!

